Advent and Advent Wreaths - Urgent

As the season of Advent approaches many of us would like to find ways to bring our church family together.  One way we can be together is each Sunday during our online service when the advent wreath is lit, each of can do it in our own homes.  So while we are apart, we can still do something together with our church family along with our own family.

Are you interested? Please tell us!  We want to order them soon.  The church will be providing one to each interested household.  Toward the middle of November we will set up a drive thru at church (days & time tba).  We will also be able to deliver to anyone who is not able to come on their own but would still want one!  Please respond to Jennifer Reichart if you would like to participate.  You can call/text (610) 509-5691 or email  whichever is more convenient for you!  Please respond quickly by this Sunday Oct. 25th!  This way there is enough time to order and receive!

And, please pass this invitation along to your friends as well!