All-Terrain Vehicles

Hadiza came in one morning to pick up a pallet of supplies that Jean Norris had gathered for her to take on a mission trip to a clinic in Niger, West Africa.  When she picked up the supplies, she asked if we had a wheelchair that could be used on all types of terrain.  Such a wheelchair would be a great help for a young handicapped boy in Niger.  Unfortunately, we did not have that type of wheelchair in our inventory.

Hadiza’s vehicle could not hold the many supplies, so it was necessary for her to return in the afternoon to pick up the remaining items.  Just before she came into the building, people from Derry Street UMC dropped off furniture for New Digs.  Their driver mentioned that she had a wheelchair that had bicycle tires on the back wheels with large, hard rubber wheels on the front, and would work on all types of terrain if we had a use for it!!
As I brought the wheelchair into the warehouse, Hadiza came in to pick up the rest of her supplies.  I showed her the wheelchair and she exclaimed, “God works miracles!”
The other amazing part of this story is that Hadiza was scheduled to pick up her supplies on either April 19 or 22.  Those dates did not work, so instead she came on April 29–the day the wheelchair was brought to Mission Central.  Because her vehicle was not large enough to accommodate all the supplies, she had to make a return trip in the afternoon and arrived just as the wheelchair did.  What a wonderful example of God’s perfect timing!
God is Awesome! ALL THE TIME! When we pause long enough it is easy to recognize His daily miracles.
Awesome God, we stand amazed in the presence of Your love and care for Your creation.  Help us to pause and listen for Your direction and be attuned with Your perfect timing.  We praise you for allowing us to play a part in sharing the light of Your Love with others.  AMEN.
(Deb Harden, Former Executive Assistant to the Executive Director of Mission Central)