Blessing in Christ: Praise of his Glorious Grace (2019-1113 message)

Jan 2019, Christ Mountain Top
the Psalm, Psalm 147
John 1.10-18 (God in disguise in Jesus the Word)
Ephesians 1.1-14
at mom and dad’s. Dad introducing me to his friends. Oh, Doctor to be! My dad’s
chest swells a couple sizes when I’m around.
begins with the wonder of Christ Jesus, beyond imagination, “all in all,” our
fullness and our destiny. It continues with practical direction on being in Christ. For eight weeks, we are
going to study this short letter. One of its marvelous features is its prayers.
Repeatedly, Paul offers his prayers for the readers of this letter – prayers for us – and he closes asking for our
prayer for him. One of those prayers will be our theme Scripture as a church
for 2019:
 I pray that you may
have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and
length and height and depth,  19
and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be
filled with all the fullness of God.  20
Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly
far more than all we can ask or imagine, 
21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all
generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Baptized into Christ
(his story becomes our story)
      Youth and children’s ministry

Repeated vocabulary:
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in
Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, 1.3. Bless
(lit): speak well.
      In Christ we have obtained an inheritance,
      Holy Spirit … is the pledge of our
inheritance, 1.13-14
to you, 1.2
of his glorious grace, 1.6
of his grace, 1.7
of his glory, 1.12
of his glory, 1.14
of God’s will, God’s good pleasure, God’s plan for the fullness of time: “to
gather up all things in him, things in heaven things on earth” (1.10)
Unhappy and angry woman,
happy people
      The problem isn’t the anger, it is the
cutting off
      The blessing of God is not an absence of
            The heavenly realm is here and now
            The earthly realm is also here and
Prosperity theology
– name/claim
      Streets of heaven are paved with gold
            In the heavenly realm, we are rich!
            If we are not rich, healthy, happy,
something is wrong
      Wrong conclusion: earthly wealth
            God prefers the poor & oppressed
            Streets paved with gold? Then gold
is of no value.
To the praise of his glory
… walking with your woman
spiritual blessing – All the blessing language features FAMILY themes
            Sister is the asylum seeker from Honduran
            Brother is in prison
            Sister is sex trafficked
            LGBTQ & Traditionalists
                  My family
            Like any family, this can be awkward
            This is a BLESSING
            It is ours NOW
            Given upon the death of the giver
                  Mom and Dad, stick tags on
their stuff
            God died on the cross, and willed it
all to us
                  This is God’s will: God dies and we get everything
            The pledge, the down payment, is the
Holy Spirit
                  The remainder is in trust
            To be holy and blameless
            To live for the praise of his glory
                  My dad’s chest size; walking
with your woman
            Adoption in our family, the “chosen
            Eugene Peterson – makes us
consequential (not superior)
      Redemption – what you do for family fallen
on hard times
            Forgiveness; Grace lavished on us
            Dad who pays off the debt of a child
of God’s will, God’s good pleasure, God’s plan for the fullness of time: “to
gather up all things in him, things in heaven things on earth” (1.10)