Blind and Lame

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Christ Church, Mountain Top, July 4, Holy Communion
to Worship, Psalm 48
2 Samuel 5.1-10
2 Corinthians 12.2-10
Greatness of USA:
            Including “free speech”, ability to
critique (a rare thing elsewhere)
Critique of our
            Accustomed to it when it comes to
                        An active week in both
national and state politics
            Yet, even the most cynical still
observe July 4th
            Perhaps not like Robin’s fortune
“A real patriot is the fellow who gets a parking ticket and rejoices
that the system works”
            Not accustomed to critique from the
center of Christian conviction
                        Tend to align with one
party or another, not with the kingdom
            Today’s Scriptures
                        Origin narrative of
greatness at the establishment of kingdom
                        Seed for critique hidden
in that story
Origin narratives
            Conquering Jerusalem through the
water shaft – like a movie!
            “The blind and the lame whom David
            Like the critique of “Methodists”?
But: Therefore it is said, “The blind and the lame shall not come into
the house”

Origin of the USA:
            Slavery built into our Constitution
            Our first war, BEFORE becoming a
nation, “French & Indian”
Jim Wallis, “Racism is America’s original sin”
As opposed to this
David story – and we have to remember that David was a great leader and great
king – we have the example of the apostle Paul. Now, there are plenty of folks
who quarrel with him, label him, for example, as “against women”. I believe
most of those readings of Paul develop more from the lenses of our postmodern
culture than from the details of Paul’s statements, which are remarkably open
to women in leadership in an era that routinely marginalized women. However,
those disputes are not before us today. What is before us is the way Paul
speaks of weakness, as set against the phrase “the blind and the lame whom
David hates”.
Connecting through
weakness, not power
Paul: “exceptional revelations” or “thorn in the flesh”
Prior chapter, his c.v. and his list of persecutions
Climax: lowered from the wall in a basket (11.33; see Acts 9.25)
David Gibbons, The Monkey and the Fish: Liquid Leadership
for a Third Culture Church,
“What is my pain?”
“Will boast all the
more gladly of my weaknesses” (12.9); Colin Powell stories (It Worked for Me)
The Outback Steakhouse manager in Chicago and the exchange students from
George Bush and the exchange students from England
Comes in the form of a slave
Comes in human weakness
Desires to be remembered in the cross

Recognizes the cross as his glory