
Thanks to members of the Care Team, who visit, write cards, make phone calls and keep folks connected. (The cards, above, are displayed in the kitchen of one of our homebound members.)
Recently, I had the opportunity to hear the story of one
person who is part of our extended care ministry. He has been through some
significant medical issues recently and says, “It’s a whole new ballgame. I lost
my balance, I lost my strength; but I didn’t lose my faith. It is because of
God’s grace that I have hope.” Then, remarking on our care ministry, he added,
“Without all of you I would be totally disconnected.” Thanks to each of you who
are part of our congregational care ministry – sending cards, making phone
calls, visiting in nursing homes and hospitals, preparing meals. And thanks to
all of you for extending the care of Christ in practical ways in your
neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces. The impact is real!