Christmas Eve Reflections Service 2018

Psalm 98
Isaiah 52.7-10
Luke 2.1-7
Luke 2.8-20
a baby turns your life upside down
      Social status: No longer important in your
own right, just as the parent of the grandchild
      Jesse, when Robin worked weekends
      “ineligible to be judges or witnesses
since frequently they grazed their flocks on other people’s lands. Thus, they
were among the type of dishonest people who were excluded from court.” (Raymond
E. Brown, The Birth of the Messiah,
420 f38).
      Who do we consider to be “eligible” for
      Mary’s Song: God fills the hungry with
good things and sends the rich empty away

Lewis, scifi Perelandra Cycle, The Swiftly
Tilting Planet
      The angel like creatures, when they
appear, do not appear to be vertical
Eder, north of Bethlehem on the way to Jerusalem
      Lambs raised for slaughter in the temple
(Brown, 421-423)
      Very well could have been these shepherds who
receive the news
      Little did they know, as they worship this
child, that this Savior, this Messiah, the Lord, is also Lamb of God – destined
for slaughter to put an end to sin and death as we know it
      Babies, children turn our lives upside
down, but this baby, this child, changes everything in our world
      And the shepherds, his mother Mary, and
papa Joseph were the only ones to welcome him, the only ones to receive him.
There was no room in the inn.
in Argentina

            As many as received him … become children of God