Community "Runners" Save a Pregnant Woman
By Mary Randall Zigbuo
The United Methodist Church’s John Dean Town Clinic and Camphor Mission in Liberia are the only health facilities serving remote communities in Grand Bassa County. With funding and technical support from Global Health, the clinic organized educational sessions for the community on recognizing the danger signs of ill health and seeking health care, while also promoting the community-clinic relationship through the engagement of traditional birth attendants.
Following the sessions, a pregnant woman from Gbuenxnea was brought to John Dean Town Clinic in a hammock by “runners,” who had traveled by foot for one hour in order to save her life. The woman was very weak from prolonged diarrhea and vomiting. Without the “runners” she would not have made it to the clinic. She received immediate treatment that saved her life and the life of her unborn child.
The rest of the story …