God Bless the USA

A colleague, Jane O’Borski, wrote a non-partisan election day prayer service for her congregations. Our regular Tuesday groups will convert into prayer services for our elections and nation, and all are welcome to join in this online gathering. If you are not able to join in person, you may use Jane’s prayer service guide on your own at any time of the day. You can download it here: https://susumc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Prayer-Service-for-Civic-Elections.-Jane-OBorski.pdf.

6:30 am Prayers, online with video or audio only by phone (the second number is the meeting code which you can enter manually):

7:00 pm Prayers, online with video or audio only by phone (the second number is the meeting code which you can enter manually):

This is one more way we can meet the divisions of our time with our common faith in Jesus Christ as Lord.