Happy 50th!

The United Methodist Church is 50 years old today. Take a look at some reasons to celebrate, from an article by Fran Coode Walsh. Read the whole story.

Our people
  1. John Wesley, who was called to create a movement, that grew into a church. He could’ve been a Jedi,really.
  2. Susanna Wesley, whose steadfast faith and bold witness inspired her children and made her the true “Mother of Methodism.”   
  3. The 750,000 members of the Evangelical United Brethren Church and 10.3 million members of the Methodist Church who came together in the tumultuous year of 1968 and created a new 

    Bishop Joaquina Nhanala from Mozambique is the first female United Methodist bishop in Africa . Photo by Kathleen Barry, UMNS.


  4. More than 300 missionaries who serve across the world.
  5. So many amazing kids, doing so many acts of kindness for their neighbors.
  6. Leaders and trailblazers like Bishop Joaquina Filipe Nhanala of Mozambique, who is the first female United Methodist bishop in Africa.
  7. Young adults sharing their gifts, like blind artist Jeff Hanson who has raised millions for charity.
  8. Our bishops, past and present. You can get to know more about their personal faith journeys in podcasts, like the one with Bishop Harald Rückert of Germany who had a previous career in food technology.
  9. The Methodist mother-daughter team who created a holiday for moms.
  10.  Members of the two United Methodist churches that were the first to host Father’s Day celebrations.