Irma Survivors grateful for help

The news crews left Florida a long time ago, and dozens of other stories since then have captured the national attention. But The United Methodist Church is still on the ground in Florida and at so many other disaster sites, working with those in need to rebuild their homes and their lives.
Niki Graham may be one of the church’s biggest cheerleaders.
“I LOVE the Methodists!” said the 69-year-old resident of Goodland, a small fishing village on the end of Marco Island that was hit hard by the storm. 
“I had a huge tree down that no one could move. One day, someone knocked on my door and said, ‘United Methodist Church from Murfreesboro, Tennessee. How can we help you?’ I just fell in love with them, just the nicest guys.”
Graham said Goodland endured 15 days with no electricity and trees were down everywhere. “In all the hurricanes I’ve been through, I’d never been given a bottle of water, I’d never seen a volunteer, and the Methodists found Goodland. They helped everyone here. They saved me and kept me from breaking.”