John Wesley's sisters

A look at the family life of the founding figure of Methodism, John Wesley, in an article by B.J. Funk:

Susanna’s children were covered daily in religious devotion, discipline, and academia. She and her husband placed a tremendous emphasis on piety and the importance of a virtuous life. However, she had a difficult time showing her affections to her daughters, and even to John. She knew God had a calling on him, and thought that any tenderness toward him might get in the way of his being put solidly on the path that God had chosen for him. Admirable as that is, her coldness hindered him with women all of his life. He was never able to settle comfortably in a lasting relationship with a female. 

So, I jumped into this book, published in 1988, wanting to know more about this particular topic. Being an avid reader of anything Wesleyan, I had never seen a book that concentrated solely on the daughters’ search for love. 

Read the whole article.