God’s desire is to “accomplish abundantly far more than all
we can ask or imagine” in and through us yet most of us scrape by on “good
enough” or “barely good enough” living. Instead of joy and wonder, our primary
relationships and work lives are riddled with conflict and disappointment. There
are big issues in our world and community – like the opioid crisis – but we get
preoccupied with bridges and sports officials. How can we take initiative to
form our lives in line with the dreams of God and the priorities of the
kingdom? We’ll layer wisdom from the field of “human centered design,” the
witness of Scripture, and the tradition of spiritual practices to explore “life
design” as disciples of Jesus. One of the resources I am using (Designing
Your Life
by Bill Burnett and Dale Evans) reminds us, “It is never too late
to design a life you love.” Join us for this message series, our fall
discipleship emphasis, beginning the weekend of October 12/13 and continuing
through November 16/17, and concluding with a celebration luncheon on November
Oct 13, Disruption
In the middle of the road of my
life I awoke in a dark wood where the true way was wholly lost. (Dante Alighieri,
poet, language theorist)
Oct 20, Dance of Delight
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be as enthusiastic
about ourselves as God already is? (Bo Karen Lee, spiritual director,
Oct 27, Dare and Dream
How many hours have I spent
Watching this shiny tv
Living adventure in proxy
In another person’s dream? (Sara
Groves, singer, songwriter)
Nov 3, Detour
stands in the way becomes the way. (Marcus Aurelius, emperor, philosopher)
Nov 10, Discern
Given my strengths, my way of
performing, and my values, how can I make the greatest contribution to what
needs to be done? (Peter Drucker, management consultant, author)
Nov 17, Decide
We are now more capable of being
unhappy with our choices than any generation in history has been. Yay for us!
(Bill Burnett & Dale Evans, product designer, management consultant, design