Mexico's first earthquake

Photo courtesy Muriel Henderson
The Sept. 19 earthquake in Mexico damaged tile roofs and plaster walls at the Tree of Life Center, in the village of Tlancualpican. The center is part of the United Methodist-supported Give Ye Them to Eat ministry.
By Sam Hodges
Sept. 21, 2017 | UMNS

Methodists are among those affected by and responding to the earthquake that struck south central Mexico on Sept. 19, killing at least 245 people.
The Rev. Raquel Balbuena, a superintendent in the Methodist Church of Mexico’s Southeast Annual Conference, said she has had reports from pastors of deaths among Methodist church families in the state of Morelos, near the earthquake’s epicenter.
Some church buildings of the Methodist Church of Mexico were damaged, as were some parsonages and homes of church members and ministry staff.
The Give Ye Them to Eat ministry, founded by longtime United Methodist Board of Global Ministries missionaries Terry and Muriel Henderson, saw damage to its Tree of Life Training Center in the village of Tlancualpican, in Mexico’s state of Puebla.
The rest of the story of Methodists and this earthquake in southern Mexico. NOTE: A friend of mine, Rev. Marian Hartman, the DS of the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre District, has pioneered the connection between the Susquehanna Conference and Give Ye Them to Eat.