Mission Central God Moments

Throughout November and December, we will be featuring the staff
members at Mission Central who will share what they do and a little about their
work. This week, we sat down with Margi Bradley, Mission Central’s
receptionist. She started at Mission Central six years ago and is a vital
member of this team. In addition to serving as receptionist/administrative
assistant, Margi manages the medical program here at Mission Central.
Margi, why do you work at Mission Central?
My story is special because I was unemployed and looking for a
rewarding job where I could be of help to others. After applying many
places and going for interviews at jobs that would have no satisfaction, I went
to a staffing agency. From there, I went for an interview at Mission
Central. The same day that I got the call that I was hired at Mission Central
was the same day that my unemployment ran out. I feel that some guardian
angel was looking out for me, and I was called to do this job. This is the most
rewarding job I have ever had. I take pride in trying to help as many people
that I can that call or come through our doors.
What is your favorite “God Moment?”
I have experienced so many “God Moments” in the past six
years that I have worked here. One that sticks in my mind is a father who
had two twin sons. Both had physical disabilities so he was looking for
very small walkers for them. I told him that I had never seen any walkers
that were that small. I tried to take a standard walker and reduce the
legs on it, but it was still too large for them. 
I took his name and number and told him I would call him if any
came in, but I knew it was going to be impossible.

Not too much later, I had to
go out to the warehouse and check on something and low and behold, in a large
Gaylord box, stacked with walkers, were two pediatric walkers. My first words
to myself were “Thank you, Jesus.” I called the man and within an hour he came
in and was so thankful that his boys could be able to walk with the assistance
of these walkers. Even better, they were able to have their own colors (red and
blue).  This was truly a “God Moment!”

Why is your work important?
My work is important because I am what you might call the “gate
keeper” who works through many connections. I do everything from
transferring phone calls to giving out information about the ministries to
keeping an inventory of things on hand and just assisting those who walk in and
are in desperate need (especially with medical items). You really have to
have a knowledge of Mission Central and our warehouse in order to be able to
carry out the job efficiently. 
Why should others support Mission Central?
We are a very unique place! We are the hands and feet of God,
with a limited staff and a ton of volunteers. The amount of people that come
through our doors for help is phenomenal, and there will always be a need for
us to help them. 
We need to survive on outside help not only with material items
but most importantly, financially. This will allow us to keep our doors
open and continue to Connect God’s Resources with Human Need.