Pet Food Ministry at Mission Central!

Did you know that amongst all the other ministries here at Mission Central, there’s even one for pet food?  Yes, through Arty’s Blessings, we get donations from people and even items from and can then distribute them out to local shelters and rescue groups, as well as in times of disaster.  This is Furry Friends picking up a pallet of dog and cat food and kitty litter.
Think of Mission Central as a large umbrella that provides space for many other ministries to survive and thrive.  These ministry partners would not have the space or money to exist in a traditional warehouse that rented space out to them.
A donation to Mission Central allows us to continue helping all of these other ministries…whether it’s New Digs, Computer Ministry, Project C.U.R.E, Healthy Steps Diaper Bank, Change Purse, Arty’s Blessings or one of hundreds of other groups both in and out of the warehouse.  Make a donation now to join us and continue this amazing work!
The rest of the story…