Prayers at the Lord's Table

This year, during Lent, I am using the Ambrosian Eucharistic Prefaces as part of our prayers at the Lord’s Table (celebrated monthly on Sunday mornings and weekly on Saturday nights). Bishop Ambrose of Milan is one of the great figures in church history and was part of the conversion and discipleship story of Saint Augustine. Here is Alan Griffiths’ translation of one of the Eucharistic Prefaces for the 3rd Sunday of Lent:

It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation,
always, here and everywhere to give you thanks,
Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God.

When you blessed the seed of Abraham long ago,
you foretold in his posterity
the coming of Christ your Son in human flesh;
and that same multitude of nations
which you promised to Abraham and his descendants
you have gathered now
from every people and tribe and language,
and bound them together in the Church of Christ,
in which we rejoice to receive the gift of that blessing
once promised to our holy ancestors.

And so, Lord God, with angels and all saints
we exult and glorify your holy name:

Holy . . .