Quarterly Letter

(Sent out by mail to our donors of record, along with their quarterly report.)

We are intimately linked in this harvest work. Anyone who accepts what you do, accepts me, the One who sent you. Anyone who accepts what I do accepts my Father, who sent me. Accepting a messenger of God is as good as being God’s messenger. Accepting someone’s help is as good as giving someone help. This is a large work I’ve called you into, but don’t be overwhelmed by it. It’s best to start small. Give a cool cup of water to someone who is thirsty, for instance. The smallest act of giving or receiving makes you a true apprentice. You won’t lose out on a thing. Matthew 10:40-42 (The Message).

Partners and Friends,

I write once more to thank you. Truly, we are “intimately linked in this harvest work.” Many of the folks in our fellowship are here because they are someone else’s friend. Devoting ourselves to the practice of friendship is critical to creating, nurturing, and growing Christian community. Jesus calls us to practice friendship, even with those who are different from us, and he himself provides the example in his friendships with “sinners.” I am so grateful to pastor a church that takes this expansive welcome and deep friendship seriously.

As one example, I pass along a story from our care team:

The daughter of one of our shut-ins recently told me that her elderly mom carries a small wooden cross around with her at all times. She even tucks it beneath her pillow when she goes to bed. I recently had the pleasure of taking her to a doctor's appointment. She carried the cross in her pocket. As we were leaving the doctor's office, she carefully checked her pocket to be certain “her buddy” was still there. That small wooden cross, “her buddy,” was one of the items placed in our holiday bag a while back. One never knows how a small act of kindness can touch a soul.

“The smallest act of giving or receiving makes you a true apprentice.” That’s the nature of true friendship!

I encourage you to sign up with Suzanne in the church office for one of our spring and early summer Table Fellowship gatherings. It is a delightful and delicious opportunity for forming friendship.

Stepping out together on new adventures with Jesus in 2023!

JP Bohanan, Pastor

Upcoming in Worship:

  • May 28, Pentecost
  • June 11, Confirmation

Habitat for Humanity, 6/3, 9/9, and 12/9. Contact Steve Ross, 570.417.2805.

Vacation Bible School, 19-23 June. Contact Suzanne in the church office.

Mountain Top Food Bank: We really are in need of peanut butter, jelly, canned pasta, jello, pudding, canned soups, instant potatoes, and stuffing mix. And of course cash is always useful to purchase odds and ends. Our coordinators are Bruce & Jane Dodson.

United Methodist Action Reach-out Mission by Youth (U.M. ARMY) is coming to your community this July. During July 10-14, groups of middle and high school aged youth, college age young adults and adults will be undertaking projects in and around the Mt. Top and Trucksville communities. If you are a homeowner who needs some help, or know of someone who does, please let us know. We will undertake such things as yard work, painting, minor repairs, or other outside projects. Please contact Pastor JP or the U.M. ARMY Site Coordinator, Ted Thomas (717-991-6113) or mtheodorethomas@gmail.com to talk about what you need done. Note: We do NOT undertake projects that involve plumbing, electrical, high buildings or roofing.

Our annual Youth Mission Trip with UM ARMY will be 23-29 July in West Chelmsford, MA. Please plan to attend and invite a friend to join you. All youth confirmation age and older are welcome. Adult team members are also needed. Contact Pastor JP for more information. (If you are not available for this week, you could also sign up for a local week out of Trucksville UMC, 9-15 July.)

Are you considering becoming a member of Christ Church? We are scheduling member intro dates for those exploring what that means. Contact the office to sign up.

Upcoming church council dates in 2023 include 12 Jun, 17 Jul, 18 Sep, 16 Oct, and 13 Nov. Council meetings are open to the public, except for personnel matters.