ReThink Easter: In the Night My Hope Lives On

Some problems with the video, but most of it can be heard.

ReThink Easter: In the Night My
Hope Lives On
2016/03/27 Christ Church,
Mountain Top, Easter, Lord’s Table
Call to Worship, Psalm 118,
Children, John
Message, Luke 24.13-49
Resurrection is TOUGH material!
some, Resurrection belongs to the same conceptual category as an egg-laying
bunny or a calcium-crazed pixie.
others, Resurrection conjures up memories of wishful thinking, overly happy
people who are ignorant of reality and who rabidly squash dissenting views of
their distorted magical world.
The fact is that resurrection was
given to people who did not expect it, were not looking for it, and did not –
at first – believe what they experienced: “How foolish you are, and how slow of
heart to believe” (Luke 24.25). Later in the story, “In their joy they were
disbelieving and still wondering” (24.41).
fact is that resurrection was given to people in their darkest night. Luke’s
version of the Easter Sunday morning story has angels asking the women, “Why do
you look for the living among the dead?” (24.5). Simple answer: Because we
aren’t looking for a living person, but a dead person. We are here to grieve.
Little did they know ….
Wednesday, my first run in a very
long time
surprise of the 25-year-old hotshot
player of the year, down but not out
that hints at Resurrection
We love stories that hint at
Resurrection because we crave Resurrection itself.
it like the Looney Toons craved a drink from “Michael [Jordan]’s Secret Stuff”
in the Space Jam movie.

How much I need this message
much I do not understand
crave the story and promise of Resurrection
The problem of receiving the
story and promise of Resurrection: Perceptions hard wired – did not recognize
thinking he was the gardener
Road disciples, thinking he is an out of town traveler
Was he in disguise? Was he not
recognizable in some way?
offers two resources to break through our perceptions – Word and Table. In the
church, the official label or our worship services is “A Service of Word and
Table”. Luke is very conscious in this chapter to place the recognition of
Jesus within the context of the worship of the primitive church. Jesus says,
“Peace be with you” when he greets his friends, a greeting that many churches
still use today.
section of Luke 24 has two stories. In the first one, the two disciples on the
Emmaus Road, Jesus begins by discussing Scripture with them and finishes as
they sit around the table. In the second one, the disciples gathered in the
upper room, he begins around the table (eating fish) and finishes by discussing
Scripture. Word and Table, Table and Word break through our perceptive barrier
and allow us to meet Jesus.
“Were not our hearts burning
within us … while he was opening the Scriptures to us?” (24.32)
and a Rich Man – they will surely believe if someone rises from the dead …
Abraham, if they do not believe Moses and the prophets, they will not believe
if someone rises from the dead
they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced
even if someone rises from the dead” (16.31).
power is not so much that it is persuasive, but that it captures our
imagination and changes the way we perceive. So, if you are struggling to
receive the story and promise of Resurrection, place yourself “under the
influence” of Scripture and let it have its way with you.
Recognized in the breaking of the
bless, break, give
of the multitude, Last Supper
of ritual motion and ritual words
so much mumbo jumbo
reciting the words, entering the story
became the Host at the meal, not simply the Guest

what happens when we invite Jesus into our lives … he turns tables, takes over.
Sit down with Jesus at the table – he invites you today – and receive the
broken body, the poured out blood of he who died and yet lives.