Serving Jesus by Serving Others

On March 13, Conference Youth teamed up with Mission Central for a day of service and volunteering at Mission Central and at various HUBs.   One of the youth, Morgan Robinette, from the State College District, wrote the following of their day:

On Sunday, March 13, 2016, over 150 youth and adults came together at five different locations throughout the Conference to serve in mission.  The Young People’s Ministry Council partnered with Mission Central and four HUBs; Altoona, Covenant Helping Hands, Shoemaker and Gethsemane, to offer an afternoon of hands on service for youth groups in the Conference.  There was definitely an atmosphere of enthusiasm in all five locations, as dozens of young people formed connections and friendships, as they served alongside one another.  Each location offered a variety of ways for the youth to be in service, including packing UMCOR health and school kits, assembling home relocation supplies and even some painting.  In between projects, the youth also participated in games and activities, which offered some newer perspectives on the act of serving others.
The youth of the YPMC lead a time of devotion and reflection, encouraging attendees to consider the challenge found in James 2:16-17, “What if one of you said, “Go in peace! Stay warm! Have a nice meal!”? What good is it if you don’t actually give them what their body needs? In the same way, faith is dead when it doesn’t result in faithful activity.”  The youth shared personal experiences of both meeting another’s needs, as well as having their needs met during a time of trial.  Different ways for young people to serve in everyday life were also discussed and before leaving, the youth were presented with a challenge to make any place a mission field.
For more pics and resources of this event – which included some of our own!