Signs and Raised Feet

When our family met the SPRC (personnel team) of Christ Church on Friday evening March 15, Les shared that he looked over at the parsonage, while we were still checking it out, and saw white smoke come from the chimney. I won’t put myself in the same league as Francis, but I too, in times of uncertainty, look for signs. (The rest of the time I am too rational for signs – a weakness or a strength?)

A week prior, as we were presented with this opportunity, and worried about the loss of what is familiar and good, I noticed that the move announcement at Bethany would coincide with my message on the 6th of Jesus’ Last Words on Life from the cross: “It is finished”. It was a series of messages planned months prior, and, as always, God goes before. “Eben-ezer” (Hitherto has the LORD helped) and “Jehovah-Jireh” (The LORD provides).

Back to Francis and the white smoke…  I love a line from Christopher Lowney’s remarkable book, Heroic Leadership: Best Practices from a 450-Year-Old Company that Changed the World. He tells the story of the Jesuits, the “Society of Jesus” (of which Francis is a member). And, he describes the Jesuit calling as “living with one foot raised”. Not as Captain Morgan, but as the availability to go anywhere at any time for the mission of Jesus Christ.