The Blind Shall See

Another “Eucharistic preface” from the Ambrosian Rite (Milan), translated by Alan Griffiths, this one for the 4th Sunday of Lent:

It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation,
to give you thanks and praise, Lord God,
with every power of mind and body,
because through you the blindness of the world is ended
and for those in darkness the true light has shone forth.

Among the brightest miracles of your saving power
you bade the man born blind to gain his sight.
In this you gave us an image
of how the human race,
afflicted from its beginning by blindness,
would receive your healing light
in the sacred waters of Baptism.

And so, with the choirs of angels,
we praise your glory, now and for ever
as with one voice we sing:

Holy . . .

From We Give You Thanks and Praise (Alan Griffiths).