The Suitcase Man
From Mission Central, one of our partners, in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. The Bishop’s Partners in Mission is raising $1 million to pay off the Mission Central Mortgage.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. (Matthew 5:8 NIV)
Early in Mission Central’s ministry, a man came in one Friday carrying several suitcases he was donating in response to our advertisement.
We explained that we had not placed an ad and that he must have the wrong place. He assured us that he had seen an ad asking for donations of suitcases.
Finally, it became apparent that the man had purposely purchased suitcases at yard sales and it meant a great deal to him to donate them. Somewhat reluctantly, we accepted them, having no idea what we would ever do with them!
The next Friday and every Friday that followed, the “suitcase man” dropped off suitcases! He never shared his name – just wanted us to know he was responding to the ad! Eventually we had about 30 or 40 suitcases piling up on a pallet.
One day as a missionary was touring the warehouse, he said, “I don’t know if you can help, but what I really need is about 25 suitcases, so that volunteers traveling to my country can bring clothing, medication, and other items in on a plane.” We were able to give him all he needed and this started a suitcase ministry that has provided necessity-filled suitcases to missions all over the world!
The man who started all this never shared his name and after others started donating suitcases, he simply no longer came!
PRAYER: O Caring God, we pray that this servant of yours, whose heart was so committed to serving in this way, has been blessed. Make us always mindful that you use each and everyone of us to accomplish Your plans. Thank you for bringing people like the “suitcase man” into our lives! AMEN
(Harry Overholtzer—Executive Direction of Mission Central 2002-2008)