Unfinished Business

By Mike Case

July 30, 2017

Dear Care Team,
            By now, everyone that I write to
knows that I live on a farm amidst perspiration, mud, and insects.  Fortunately, we have a wide variety of birds,
beetles, praying mantis and other predators that keep the peskier insects on
our organic farm in check.  When I awoke
this Sunday morning to a beautiful, clear day the thought that popped into my
head was “unfinished business.”  Now on
an organic farm, unfinished business is synonymous with weedy plants such as
the thistle pictured above.  Each
flowering head is capable of producing around 500 seeds with very high
germination rates.  And the mature plant
has a root a foot long.  Thistles along
with dozens of other weedy denizens make organic farming a tedious
challenge.  Nevertheless, you have to
respect the hardiness and adaptability of these weedy competitors for nutrients
and space in one’s fields.  In the case of
the thistle, I leave some because of the beautiful flower and the enjoyment of
watching the chickadees dine on their favorite thistle seed in the autumn.
            From the
weeds that await my attention in a few hours after the sun diminishes, my
thoughts about unfinished business wander in other directions.  Every day is unfinished business.  Sometimes I worry that perhaps my heart will
give out again like it did 5 years ago with all of the unfinished business
hanging in mid air.  Did I tell my wife
enough times that I loved her and gave her a hug?  What about the book that I am writing which
is almost done?  I have been struggling
with an idea for a final chapter. 
Perhaps, unfinished business is it! 
What about the spare room that I am renovating and waiting for my son to
help put the ceiling in?  And, there are
all those weeds in the vegetable gardens!
            The list
goes on and on, a little bit different for each of us of course.  I think each one of us as children of God is
unfinished business.  In a sea of weedy
uncertainty, God offers us through grace alone salvation through his Son, Christ
Jesus.  Our first step on this life
journey in finishing the business, so to speak, is to accept through faith as
best we can the promise of salvation.  God
loves us—this I know.  Jesus calls us to
be his servants—that I know.  At the time
we cross the portal between life and death, we can cross with courage and the
assurance that God is with us.  Oh sure,
in the moments of passing, we will probably think about regrets and some things
left undone.  But, through the Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit we are forgiven and accepted into the kingdom of God.
            To each of
you on the Congregational Care Team, I extend love and blessings through Jesus
Christ.  May your work in visitation,
writing and calling continue to bless not only the recipients of your care but
also you personally. 
            Remember to
mark your calendars for Saturday September 23rd (10-12) which is
Team Day at Christ United Methodist Church of Mountain Top.
Abundant and “Unfinished” Blessings,

Mike Case