We Will Rock You!

2016/03/20 Christ Church,
Mountain Top, Palm Sunday
Call to Worship, Psalm 118.1-2,
Children, palm
crosses, “Hosanna” “Blessed is the one …”
Message, Luke 19.28-40
A Knight’s Tale, a 2001
film, stars Heath Ledger as peasant squire William Thatcher, who ends up
impersonating a knight and winning tournaments, and Paul Bettany as Geoffrey
Chaucer, an alcoholic and compulsive gambler who becomes part of Thatcher’s
team (and eventually writes his Canterbury
). It’s a fun tale of the unlikely victor. And in this medieval
comedy-adventure-romance, one of the recurring musical themes is a song that
emanates from the stands at the tournaments, as the fans get excited for the
next event.
stomp, clap …
      We will, we will, rock you!
Anti-establishment politics (Power)
up the politicians, the powerful
North and the Iran-Contra hearings
by anger (disenfranchisement), sometimes fear (other)
            Trump, TrusTed Cruz, Feel the Bern
Jesus rocks our world: Power
as a king, comes as the kingdom – a political term
on a donkey, fulfillment of prophetic, Messianic hope
is the king”
request the Teacher to “order your disciples to stop”
not exercised in typical ways, no hint or threat of violence
When one of the disciples cut off
the ear of a man coming to arrest Jesus, Jesus commanded him to stop the
violence and healed the man who was arresting him (Luke 22.50-51)
      We will, we will, rock you!


In the movie: (Privilege)
A peasant, when only nobles are
legally permitted to be knights
An alcoholic and gambler
A woman blacksmith, rejected by
her professional peers
At the elementary school playground:
gets to pick teams? The best athletes.
do they pick first? Their friends and other good athletes.
do they pick last? The clumsy kids, the new kids.
Jesus rocks our world: Privilege
is typically given to a defined “in group”
these were silent, the stones would shout out”
is able from these stones to raise up children to Abraham”
If that is so, then kingdom
membership doesn’t “have its privileges” and certainly isn’t based on
privileges we already have. It’s a gift, and an invitation. And, it’s quite
likely that when Jesus picks teams he does so backwards: “Indeed, some are last
who will be first, and some are first who will be last” (Luke 13.30).
      We will, we will, rock you!
Child in Lesotho clinic (Possessions)
his “daily bread” with the nurse from America
Jesus rocks our world: Possessions
four letter word, “mine”
Lord needs it”
time, car, food, cloaks …
      We will, we will, rock you!
March Madness (Praise)
Cal loses to Hawaii
Arizona loses to Wichita State
Baylor loses to Yale
Texas loses to Northern Iowa
Oregon State loses to Virginia
Commonwealth University
West Virginia loses to Stephen F.
Purdue loses to Arizona-Little
Seton Hall loses to Gonzaga
Dayton loses to Syracuse
Michigan State loses to Middle
Tennessee State
A partial list of the upsets in
the first round of the NCAA tournament, in a year that tied for the most
upsets. Anyone still have a perfect bracket? (I’ve never put one together.) Unless
one of my short list of schools is in the running, like VCU, I just root for
the underdog … and you know all their fans were giving joyful praise when their
teams won!
Jesus rocks our world: Praise
God joyfully with a loud voice”
us to enter the kingdom
us to join Jesus in his disruptive work
            Disrupts powers and privileged, even when
that’s us
our possessions, even when we hold on … “mine”
you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel”

      We will, we will, rock you!