2025 Lenten Mission

2025 Lenten Mission

. 1 min read

Our Women’s Group/Congrgeational Mission Project for Lent is for a group called “Sleep in Heavenly Peace”. The Luzerne County chapter was founded by Denise Ogurkis who was with us on March 9 for worship.

At Sleep in Heavenly Peace (SHP), they believe service is about much more than constructing beds for kids in need. Their mission of "NO KID SLEEPS ON THE FLOOR IN OUR TOWN!" extends to building communities, transforming lives, and creating opportunities for personal growth and learning. Every bed they build demonstrates the power of service and the incredible potential that emerges when people come together with a shared purpose. They provide twin beds and bedding to children ages 3 to17 that have no bed to sleep in.

We are asking for the congregation’s help in collecting new twin size bedding during Lent. Your donation can be put in the bins provided in the narthex. Other items they are in need of: gallon jugs of white vinegar, new standard size pillows, blankets or even bed in a bag.

Donations can be made by check, made out toSleep in Heavenly Peace. Place the words "Luzerene County Chapter" in your check’s memo section and send to the Donation Processing Center at: Sleep in Heavenly Peace PO Box 2905 Phoenix, AZ 8506.