Jesus put children at the center of his kingdom, and we endeavor to be a safe and welcoming space for kids to be kids and for families to connect with each other in the context of a faith community.
We live this out in a variety of ways, beginning with engaging with and contributing to our larger community. Our members build community for kids and families as they teach in local schools, coach sports, and lead Scouts.
During our Sunday morning services, we have a breakout session/Sunday School for kids during the message. In addition, in the fall, we offer a Beginner Bells class Sundays from 10:00-10:30 and Confirmation (for 7th grade and older) from 9:30-10:30. Our children and young people are invited to serve as acolytes, ushers, readers, and content creators. On Thursdays, Cherub Choir and Children's Choir practice.
We also offer a series of community events and family nights including seasonal events such as an Easter Egg Hunt and community Trunk or Treat (sponsored with the Crestwood Key Club), and a series of family nights for movies, crafts, and connections.