Mission Central report

Mission Central report

. 1 min read

We don't know if we will see outcomes like this again. The pandemic brought the 'perfect storm' of organizations looking to offload material goods, donors looking to donate and many, many in need.

We made many new connections this year, partnered with corporations, companies, churches and foundations committed to serving. We also saw a large growth in the number of non-profits that partnered with us to get these goods out to those that needed them most. And we are so grateful for your assistance in all of this.

And while we are thrilled to share Mission Central's success with you, this too is bitter-sweet. We are successful in our mission of "connecting God's resources with human need" but unfortunately, more and more people are in need.

In 2021, through Mission Central, together we assisted:

  • Over 900,000 people with $2.4 million in medical equipment and support
  • 1.2 million in non-UMCOR kits went out (that’s Activity Kits for schools, Care Kits for those experiencing homelessness, Camp Kits for campers and more!)
  • Almost $700,000 in animal food for homeless animals
  • Over $620,000 in disaster relief was provided to victims of natural disaster
  • Almost $600,000 in cleaning and hygiene items went out to schools, hospitals, churches and those experiencing homelessness
  • $143,000 in food went to those in need
  • Over $125,000 in supplies (food, clothing, school supplies and general assistance) for students and their families in the Mission Central School Program
  • 51 international shipments were picked up
  • And much, much more…

We invite you to partner/continue to partner with us in the year ahead. We look forward to continuing to reach those in need.

Here at Christ Church, we are proud to partner with Mission Central and its local HUB.