Lessons: Our music director, Joan Alvear, is offering guitar, piano, and violin lessons. Joan is a past music director of Ferrwood Music Camp and has extensive professional experience teaching music with students with special needs. Lessons will be offered in the choir/music room.
- Accepting students ages 7-97
- Lesson books must be purchased by students and students must have an instrument to practice on (either owned or rented)
- Registration fee (good for one year) of $25, payable to Christ Church
- Lessons are 30 minutes long
- Lesson fee $30 per lesson ($25 per lesson for church members), payable to Joan Alvear, at the beginning of each month
- If interested, contact the church office at 570.474.6060.
Music Groups: We offer a number of music opportunities for all ages. Joan Alvear coordinates an online choir for our 9:00 services (each one recording remotely) and a live sing-along choir for our 10:45 services.
Michele Traficante coordinates our Cherub Choir (most Thursdays from 7-715PM during School Year),
Children's Choir (most Thursdays from 715-745PM during the School Year)
Beginner Bells (most Sundays 10-1030AM during the School Year)
Bell Choirs (most Thursdays at 8PM during the School Year); all performing at our 10:45 service.
We welcome instrumentalists and vocalists for the contemporary music we include most Sundays. Contact the church office to get connected! The one who sings, prays twice!