February 10, 2015—As eastern Ukraine’s violent upheavals continue, UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, continues aiding communities forcibly displaced from their homes.
The area’s infrastructure has been heavily damaged, and it continues to be battered. Hospitals, schools, grocery stores and pharmacies are among the many buildings that have been destroyed.
UMCOR is working with the Union of Young Christians of Ukraine (UYCU) to address people’s needs within the contested territories of the east, and with the United Methodist Church of Ukraine in the capital, Kyiv, to which many have fled in search of refuge. UMCOR also is working with the United Methodist Church in Eurasia, helping families that have fled to Russia.
“We are supporting humanitarian efforts irrespective of ‘sides’ in the conflict,” says Francesco Paganini, UMCOR executive secretary for International Disaster Response. “We help in solid, practical ways while upholding our important guiding principle to be both humanitarian and impartial.”