An update from the September 3 UMCOR Hotline:
Since mid-summer, the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS), also referred to as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), has created havoc in Iraq, targeting ethnic and religious minorities for apparent extinction.
The United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries is both providing assistance to those who have fled and advocating for the human rights of those under attack. To date, its United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) has provided $262,300 in emergency assistance to communities displaced and pushed north by IS.
Those especially in harm’s way are ethnic and religious groups, mostly in northern Iraq, particularly Kurdistan. They include Christians, Turkmen and Yazidis. Read more about these populations here.
UMCOR, which assists those in need without regard to religion, race or national origin, is working with regional partners to provide food and water to communities impacted by the violence.
You can help. Please pray for peace in Iraq. Your gift to UMCOR International Disaster Response, Advance #982450, supports UMCOR’s emergency response efforts in Iraq and elsewhere around the world.